Develop Enterprise >

Technology-enabled Learning Consultancy

Learn just-in-time, just-for-me

Learn Just-In-Time, Just-For-Me

In a digital economy, data and connectedness promote transparency and accessibility. Innovative ways of doing things are preferred by customers and within their reach. Today’s customers are empowered! Competition is intensified. Employees need to move from being the Disrupted to the Disruptor. Hence, they need to unlearn, learn and relearn or risk being made obsolete or replaced by machines for performing routine tasks.

To improve their performance, employees need to update and upgrade. Careers are no longer built on tasks but continuous learning.

Leverage on PocketSEED technology-enabled learning to allow employees to convert their lull work periods to productive micro learning moments without having to leave their work sites. With a click, they can engage in just-in-time learning by searching and chatting.

Consult our LearnTech Specialists to design and execute mobile enterprise learning to enhance your workforce productivity.

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