Bootstrap is an award-winning business consultancy and capability development firm dedicated to growing your businesses.


The right people are an enterprise’s greatest assets. Invest in them, for when they grow, your enterprise does too.

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Team Leadership Toolkit

Inspire your team to learn more, think more, do more and become more.

Team Power

Coach. Unlock your team’s potential. Maximise your team’s growth.

Drive Workplace Innovations

Be the Disruptor. Change. Make things happen.


Know yourself. Accept yourself. Improve yourself.


Exceed customers’ expectations. Create value. Deliver an experience.

People and

Capitalise on the Power of Oneness. Create a culture of empathy, engagement and empowerment.

Present with Clarity, Confidence & Conviction

Overcome your fear of presentation. Deliver a presentation that compels audiences to act upon it.

Workshop Consultancy

Adults learn so as to achieve better success.  Hence, we apply Workplace Learning and Problem-Based Learning to curate learning experience that delivers results.


Opportunities can be found anywhere if one decides to create them. Discover what your enterprise can grow to be when you decide to do so.

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Core Business Modelling

Achieve Clarity and Alignment.


Future-proof and Outperform Competition.


Enhance Enterprise Performance.

Big Data

Analyse and Realise the Potential.

Technology-enabled Learning

Learn Just-In-Time, Just-For-Me.

Branding and Customer Experience

Diagnose needs, Design solutions, Develop capabilities, Determine effectiveness



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1. Workplace Learning Consultancy

2. Technology-enabled Learning Consultancy

3. Team Leadership Toolkit

4. Unleash Team Power

5. Drive Workplace Innovations

6. Develop Self

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1. Team Leadership Toolkit

2. Unleash Team Power

3. Drive Workplace Innovations

4. Develop Self

[/ultimate_modal][ultimate_modal modal_title=”Related Courses” modal_on=”custom-selector” modal_on_selector=”.pop3″ overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ img_size=”80″]

1. Core Business Modelling

2. Design Thinking Consultancy

3. Drive Workplace Innovations

[/ultimate_modal][ultimate_modal modal_title=”Related Courses” modal_on=”custom-selector” modal_on_selector=”.pop4″ overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ img_size=”80″]

1. Retail Service Leadership

2. Core Business Modelling

3. Design Thinking Consultancy

4. Big Data Analytics Consultancy

[/ultimate_modal][ultimate_modal modal_title=”Related Courses” modal_on=”custom-selector” modal_on_selector=”.pop5″ overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ img_size=”80″]

1. Retail Service Leadership

2. Core Business Modelling

3. Big Data Analytics Consultancy

4. Design Thinking Consultancy

5. Drive Workplace Innovations

6. Branding and Customer Experience Initiatives Consultancy

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1. Core Business Modelling

2. Big Data Analytics Consultancy

3. Branding and Customer Experience Initiatives Consultancy

4. Design Thinking Consultancy

[/ultimate_modal][ultimate_modal modal_title=”Related Courses” modal_on=”custom-selector” modal_on_selector=”.pop7″ overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ img_size=”80″]

1. Core Business Modelling

2. Big Data Analytics Consultancy

[/ultimate_modal][ultimate_modal modal_title=”Related Courses” modal_on=”custom-selector” modal_on_selector=”.pop8″ overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ img_size=”80″]

1. Core Business Modelling

2. Workplace Learning Consultancy

3. Design Thinking Consultancy

4. Technology-enabled Learning Consultancy



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[/single_tab][single_tab title=”CAPABILITY DEVELOPMENT, LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT, HUMAN CAPITAL” tab_id=”1554880057707-4-1″ ul_sub_class=”slimthis”]
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Creativity, Innovation & Enterprise
Continuous Improvement
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“Bootstrap promoted strategic clarity, alignment and accountability by getting our top management to rethink on the right mountain to climb. Now, we can better focus and scale with our resources with our new sense of purpose.” 

Jacqueline Tan
Executive Director

Jumbo Group of Restaurants 

“Bootstrap has made a great impact in the transformational process of DP and we have adopted Team Leadership Toolkit as our core leadership development program.”

Francis Lee
Chief Executive Chairman

DP Architects

“Getting staff for training is a challenge. With Pocket SEED, learning is now bite-sized and accessible. Additionally, its gamification made learning exciting, thus increasing our take up rate. Training records are instantly available and easily referenced, which greatly facilitates my work.”

Mr Krishna Haran
Training Manager
Prince Landscape & Construction

“I see a big difference in my staff now. They are more confident in their approaches to connect with the customers. After implementing their ideas, we’ve also achieved higher sales!”

Ms Elaine Teo
General Manager

Salvatore Ferragamo


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